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We are committed to providing accessible and inclusive services, programs, and facilities. To find out more, please read our Accessibility Plan.
TOTALTV seeks to provide services that allow visually impaired customers to experience and get the most out of their TV services.
TOTALTV offers channels targeted at viewers with visual or hearing impairments, such as AMI-audio and AMI-TV.
TOTALTV offers these channels that are targeted at viewers with visual or hearing impairments:
AMI-tv is a 24-hour television service with in English language programing in news, information, drama and entertainment – all with open described video and captioning (i.e. the DV audio feed and closed captioning does not need to be turned on). Programming on AMI-tv is 70% Canadian content, and features original programming every day of the week. Channel 888.
AMI-audio provides a 24-hour English language audio service and online reading service covering up-to-date national and international news, sports, business and entertainment information. AMI-audio features readings from more than 600 of Canada's top newspapers and magazines, including original interviews as well as segments and shows from AMI Contact and AMI Pop Talk. Channel 889. (Ontario Only)
Lancée en 2014, AMI-télé est la première et seule chaîne francophone à présenter un contenu entièrement avec vidéodescription, s’adressant en particulier aux personnes aveugles ou ayant une limitation visuelle. Elle offre une variété de programmes incluant séries télévisées, cinéma, magazine de service et productions originales et est disponible à tous les abonnés du câble et des services satellites.Channel 890.
Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) is a not-for-profit multimedia organization operating two broadcast services: AMI-audio and AMI-tv, and a website (AMI.ca). Serving more than five million Canadians who are blind, partially sighted, deaf, hard of hearing, mobility or print restricted, AMI’s mission is to make accessible media for all Canadians.
AMI has set up a call centre to help with any questions about DV programming. You can call 1 888 895-3016 (toll-free) for 24/7 support in English and French.
If you have trouble accessing or viewing the content on this page, please call 1-647-367-1764
What are your rights as an internet customer? What is the internet code of conduct and how does it protect you?
This video series in American sign language with English voice-over will explain the code in eight parts. Watch the videos.